
Victor Frankenstein and his monster are both ambitious, almost obsessed, to achieve their goals.

Victor’s greatest desire is first to create life. He sacrifices his relationships to his friends and to his family. Victor lives in his own bobble, and sacrifices his own health, to create a new life. When the monster kills his wife, and takes everything he has away from him, Victor gets obsessed with killing his creation. Again, Victor puts his whole life aside to achieve his goal. He leaves everything behind and spends the rest of his life chasing after the monster.

The monster, Mo, has ever since the day he was created struggled to achieve acceptance. He is willing to learn the language and stalk a family to be accepted by the society.
When he realizes that he will never be accepted he demands his creator to create him a female mate. Mo is willing to kill and ruin Victor’s life to get what he wants.

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