
Bilderesultat for sublime nature
Victor Frankenstein grew up in beautiful Geneva, Switzerland. Ever since birth, Victor has been surrounded by sublime nature.

As I see it, the sublime nature in Frankenstein gives the reader a more majestic feeling about Victor Frankenstein’s surroundings and home country. This inspires Victor to create something beautiful, create life, but he ends up creating the most hideous and terrifying monster he has ever seen.

We can also see that sublime nature is an important in the beginning and the end of the book. Robert Walton’s ship is stuck in ice. This symbolized being trapped, just like several of the characters in the book are trapped in something. Frankenstein is first stuck with his obsession of creating life and stuck with Mo’s threat about his wedding night. Mo is trapped in this world where he feels like he can’t be loved and he can’t be approved. Just like the ship is trapped and stuck, some of the characters are too.

I personally believe God created the world and the nature in his image. God created the nature to do what it does. The nature can be awe-inspiring, impressive, and majestic, and it’s all God’s creation.

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